Hi folk, we are using 10gb NICs with multithreaded compression.
We're finding that the standard `virsh migrate` gets at most ~1.2gbps,
similar to a single scp session.
When we do a multipart upload with multiple scp connections we can squeeze
as high as 9.6gbps.
Is there was a way to get `virsh migrate` to perform multiple connections
as well when transferring?
Would be useful to be able to migrate big guests using the full capacity of
the 10gb nics.
Our example command to migrate:
# virsh migrate --compressed --comp-methods mt --comp-mt-level 9
--comp-mt-threads 16 --comp-mt-dthreads 16 --verbose --live
--copy-storage-all --undefinesource --unsafe --persistent
dev-testvm790.mydomain.net qemu+tcp://myhost-10g.mydomain.net/system