On 04/26/2018 10:46 AM, lizhuoyao wrote:
oh, there is much much much code,it's too too too hard for me.
So,,,,,can i ask more question:use virt-manager create a domain,but with a result of
"unsupported configuration:the ioh3420 controller is not supported in this
qemu".since it's arm64 platform,and ioh3420 is a intel device.right?Why produce a
intel device in arm64 platform?
I don't think there's a way to step into virt-manager's process of
defining domains. However, you can use virt-install directly instead. It
can just print the XML instead of defining it in libvirt. You can take
this document, modify it and then 'virsh define ...' it.
What you are seeing is a bug that is fixed already.
So, can i delete the ioh3420 only by changing the code?info: i use the
libvirt-2.0.0,virt-manager create doamin succeed;when i update to libvirt-3.2.0,the issue
above happened. qemu is 2.3.0
Also I should point out that libvirt-2.0.0 is two years old release.
Nearly. Upgrade if you can.