I'm trying to use libvirt for an armel virtual machine hosted
into an x86_64 box.
I know the command line to start qemu-system-arm directly, but I
cannot figure a proper .xml configuration file to let libvirt do
this job.
The main problem is that I want a serial console attached via
telnet, this is the Qemu incantation:
-serial telnet::4000,server,nowait,nodelay
Wahtever I do in libvirt, I get this paramter added:
-device isa-serial
which causes Qemu to fail:
qemu-system-arm -M versatileab -device isa-serial \
-kernel vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-versatile
qemu-system-arm: -device isa-serial: No 'ISA' bus found for device
How can I instead have -device pl011, or just have the default
devices provided by qemu-system-arm, i.e. to prevent libvirt from
adding the -nodefaults switch?
Thank you!
Niccolo Rigacci -
Campi Bisenzio - Firenze - Italy
Tel. Office: +39-055-9331021, Mobile: +39-327-5619352