On 07/02/2013 06:55 AM, Thomas Stein wrote:
> virsh dumpxml --security-info dom > dom.xml
> virsh undefine dom
Someone was talking about this (undefining the VM) would not be
neccessary anymore when qemu-1.5 has been released. Is that true?
Undefining the VM will not be necessary after two things happen:
1. qemu supports persistent bitmaps (which missed 1.5, and I'm not even
sure if Paolo plans on getting it in before 1.6)
2. libvirt has code added to use persistent bitmaps
so unfortunately, you'll still have to use undefining for a bit longer.
Meanwhile, qemu 1.6 is adding a new block-backup command that is nicer
than the current blockcopy (it does not require a persistent bitmap, and
takes the snapshot at the point in time where it is started, not where
it is ended); I'm also trying to figure out what API additions are
needed to libvirt to expose that capability as an alternative.
> virsh blockcopy dom vda /path/to/backup-vda
> polling loop - check periodically until 'virsh blockjob dom vda'
> shows 100% completion
> virsh suspend dom
> virsh save dom /path/to/memory-backup --running
This does not work for me.
hn ~ # virsh blockjob gentoo-template vda
Block Copy: [100 %]
hn ~ # virsh save gentoo-template
error: Failed to save domain gentoo-template to
error: Requested operation is not valid: domain has an active block job
Obviously i can not save while the blockjob is running.
Oh dear. That's what I get for trying to write steps without actually
testing them :(
Try this modification (again untested, but at least doesn't have a block
job running during the save attempt):
virsh dumpxml --security-info dom > dom.xml
virsh undefine dom
virsh blockcopy dom vda /path/to/backup-vda
polling loop - check periodically until 'virsh blockjob dom vda'
shows 100% completion
virsh suspend dom
virsh blockjob dom vda --abort
virsh save dom /path/to/memory-backup --running
virsh resume dom
virsh define dom.xml
Basically, swap the 'blockjob --abort' and 'save' steps to take place in
the opposite order. Since the guest is paused, there should be no
difference in the bits that get saved, and the swapped order should get
around the annoying code restrictions.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library