Hello people.
I had 4 servers (bart,homer, lisa and abraham) where livemigrate
went without problems: I was able to make them play beach-volley
with a vm instance whose image is on an NFS file system.
Then I add a couple more, marge and maggie. I can do things like
virsh -c qemu://maggie/system list
or launch an interactive session without any problem, so the TLS
channel should be properly configured.
But when I try to run something like
virsh migrate --live "one-24" qemu://maggie/system
I get a nice "error: operation failed: failed to parse XML" error.
There is the same error when OpenNebula tries to restore a vm
from a checkpoint on the same machine. How can I fix this. I
need all the machines up and running.
ing. Gian Uberto Lauri
Ricercatore / Reasearcher
Laboratorio Ricerca e Sviluppo / Research & Development Lab.
Area Calcolo Distribuito / Distributed Computation Area
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa
Corso Stati Uniti 23/C, 35127 Padova (PD)
Tel. +39-049.8283.571 | main(){printf(&unix["\021%six\012\0"],
Fax +39-049.8283.569 | (unix)["have"]+"fun"-0x60);}
Skype: gian.uberto.lauri | David Korn, AT&T Bell Labs
http://www.eng.it | ioccc best One Liner, 1987