On 12/17/2013 07:13 PM, Marco wrote:
I'm new to libvirt and face problems connecting to an iSCSI target.
What I intend to do is to connect libvirt (I tried virt-manager and
virsh) to an iSCSI target and then boot from the LUNs which contain
the VMs.
I followed the documentation¹ but got stuck at section
virsh pool-define-as \
--name foo \
--type iscsi \
--source-host vmhost \
--source-dev iqn.2013-11.vmhost:vmpool \
--target /dev/disk/by-path
virsh pool-start foo
error: Failed to start pool foo
error: internal error: cannot find session
virsh -c qemu:///system pool-start foo
error: Failed to start pool foo
error: internal error: cannot find session
I'm assuming 'vmhost' is actually some valid IP Address/Name that you're
just using here to hide from the world your actual iSCSI tgt server.
Don't forget that the 'source-host' may be listed as
'host1.example.com'; however, the iqn has 'com.example.host1'. IOW -
Have you looked at
http://libvirt.org/formatstorage.html ? There's an
example there of output that works for me. Use virsh pool-dumpxml <pool>
to view the XML...
Also, do you need to authenticate to the iSCSI target? The iscsiadm
will use '/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf'. See the node.session.auth.{authmethod
| username | password} fields, so while iscsiadm may work, when libvirt
goes to connect it fails. Looking at the output in the system messages
log may help (for my f19 /var/log/messages).
You may also find if you have selinux enabled as Enforcing there could
be more configuration that you need (if the iSCSI tgtd is local).
Setting up a label on the file - something I'm not an expert at...
Another tool to try is 'iscsi-ls' from package 'libiscsi-utils'
iscsi-ls -s -i iqn.2013-11.vmhost:vmpool \
where the <username>/<password> allow the authentication to the ipAddr
iSCSI tgt server.
If you need to authenticate, then set up a secret to the iSCSI server,
http://libvirt.org/formatsecret.html for an example.
Why can't libvirt find the session, and which session? Running
iscsiadm --mode discovery --type sendtargets --portal vmhost:3260,1
succeeds and lists the targets. How to connect libvirt to the iSCSI
System info:
Debian sid, Linux 3.11-2-amd64
libvirtd (libvirt) 1.1.4
virsh version: 1.1.4
What's your QEMU version?
iSCSI target: FreeNAS-9.1.1
Best regards
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