libvirt can't setup simple bridged network?
by Ian Pilcher
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! I'm reading the libvirt network XML
format documentation[1], and I can't figure out how to create a simple
bridged network - no NAT, no routing, no OVS, no macvtap, etc. I.e.,
just a Linux bridge with a single physical interface attached.
None of the 3 scenarios listed for <forward mode='bridge'> describe the
simple setup that I'm trying to create, so it looks like I'll need to
create the bridge separately. (It's not hard to do, it just seems like
such a weird gap the in the functionality.)
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2 years, 3 months
New functionality in virt-install
by O'Reilly, Michael
Hi libvirt-users,
I've been tracking the progress of this patch
to enable SGX support in libvirt.
My question is this. Who is responsible for ensuring that new functionality like SGX is also supported by virt-install?
Is it part of the commit process to ensure virt-install can use the new functionality in libvirt, or is it up to the virt-manager community to track changes.
And maybe this is a question for the virt-tools-list(a) list also?
Some guidance would be appreciated.
Michael OR
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2 years, 3 months
Can RHEL7 VM run remote commands to Fedora36 host?
by Carol Bouchard
I have a Fedora36 laptop which hosts VMs with RHEL7 using libvirt. One of
the RHEL7 VMs, runs remote commands (as root) to 'start' another VM by
way of my laptop. In other words, the following command is run:
virsh --connect 'qemu+ssh://' start
If I run non-remote version of the command on the laptop, it is successful.
For example,
virsh --connect qemu:///system start beaker-test-vm1.beaker <-- Successful
on laptop.
If I do a query like the following *(notice socket use)*, it is successful.
virsh -d0 --connect
domstate beaker-test-vm1.beaker
Without socket, I get the following error:
*error: failed to connect to the hypervisor*
*error: End of file while reading data: Ncat: No such file or directory.:
Input/output error*
This does not work for 'start' because I believe this is a read-only socket
since I see the error:
error: Failed to start domain beaker-test-vm1.beaker
error: operation forbidden: read only access prevents virDomainCreate
When I look at my laptop, there is no /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock.
So.....I've been wondering
whether RHEL7 virsh/libvirt is compatible with Fedora36. Is there a
work-around? I can't
change the distros on my laptop or VMs.
2 years, 3 months
Can RHEL7 VM run remote libvirt commands to Fedora36 host?
by Carol Bouchard
I have a test environment that use to work but no longer does. My
laptop is Fedora36 (libvirt version while the VMs it spawns are
RHEL7 (max libvirt version is 4.5.0). The source of my problem
seems to be that RHEL7 libvirt needs rw socket /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock
which no longer exists in fedora36.
The following is successful from RHEL7 VM to laptop:
virsh -d0 --connect
domstate beaker-test-vm1.beaker
If I change the action from domstate to start, it fails on
error: Failed to start domain beaker-test-vm1.beaker
error: operation forbidden: read only access prevents virDomainCreate
which made me realize ro stands for read-only; however, there is no
libvirt-sock. I tried some of the other socket files without success.
Is there a work-around?
2 years, 3 months