Re: [libvirt-users] How to find domain os type and ip address
by Rathidevi
Hi All,
I am using the libvirt-0.5.1.jar and downloaded from this link
1) To find the os type of domain I use this method getOSType(). But it
returns the kvm or hvm instead of windows and linux. Is the any way to find
the original os type of domain?
2) Please give is there any option or method available to find the ipaddress
of domain?
Thanks & Regards
11 years, 2 months
[libvirt-users] Does libvirt support attach volume to linux container now?
by Du Jun
Hi all,
I am playing with linux container and using libvirt to manage linux
I find I fail to attach volume to linux container via libvirt and I got the
following error message:
Failed to attach volume: data-111 to VM: lxc-111;
org.libvirt.LibvirtException: unsupported configuration: Can't setup disk
for non-block device.
My question is that does libvirt support attaching volume to linux
container? If it supports, what version should I use?
11 years, 2 months
[libvirt-users] Problems with pmsuspend/wakeup
by Alex
I've migrated a Windows7 vm from F17 to F20 and it appears to be
working okay. Apparently when it's left idle for some period, it
automatically goes into a pmsuspend state, and I'm unable to wake it.
I've figured out the virsh dompmwakeup command, which then virsh shows
it's running, but the vm is still unresponsive. It doesn't respond to
ping and the display is just black when accessing it through
Is there something I need to do in the guest for it to wake up
properly? How can I just prevent it from ever suspending in the first
11 years, 2 months
[libvirt-users] Libvirt support for VEB
by Padmanabhan Krishnan
I have a setup of virtual machines and wherein my virtual switch (OVS) takes care of switching locally and it uses the network for talking to VM's outside the server (like a VEB scenario I guess). I want Netlink messages to be sent to LLDPAD. I understand that i had to modify the XML files and start the VM. But, i see from the XML that it supports only VEPA, not VEB.
But, irrespective of VEB or VEPA, those VM information should be known to the upstream switch through VDP. 802.1QBG seem to support this (both VEPA and VEB)
But, for VEB, no net link messages are sent by libvirt. Why is that?
From the XML example, I see that:
<interface type=’direct’>
<mac address=’d0:0f:d0:0f:02:01’/>
<source dev=’eth2.20’ mode=’vepa’/>
<source network=’default’/>
<virtualport type=’802.1Qbg’>
I tried different combinations by changing the interface type to bridge and and trying Qbg as in below, I find that it doesn't send a Netlink message to LLDPAD. There's no "mode=veb".
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='00:54:00:4e:46:04'/>
<source bridge='xml_br'/>
<virtualport type='802.1Qbg'>
<parameters managerid='12' typeid='1193046' typeidversion='1' instanceid='09b00c53-8b5c-4eeb-8f00-d847aa05191b'/>
<target dev='tap_xml'/>
<model type='virtio'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
How do i get this to work? Is this a limitation?
11 years, 2 months
Re: [libvirt-users] PCI Passthrough
by The PowerTool
Oops! I blame Microsoft. I use Hotmail and am very, very unhappy that MS bought them out which leaves me stuck with Outlook, which sucks. I've always just hit reply in the past and it's worked. Now I'm going to have to be careful to make sure my replies go where I expect them.
Thank you very much for the information. I was really hoping to consolidate systems but that apparently won't happen in the near future. So that means I'll be focusing my efforts on getting my Spacewalk server updated and then upgrading from F18 to F20 or 21. Yep, I was very aware of F18 dropping and thankful for the one brief delay.
I'll be taking a look at it again once I upgrade to the current Fedora. If that doesn't work I'll wait and keep an eye on posts and when things look better probably get new hardware (which will likely be the requirement).
Thanks, again!
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:37:02 +0200
From: laine(a)
To: thepowertool_sc(a)
Subject: Re: [libvirt-users] PCI Passthrough
On 01/21/2014 05:32 PM, The PowerTool
Thank you very much for your response.
I took a look at the first link you provide (archlinux). Key
items that caught my attention (in order):
1. "Intel IGDs won't work"--I have Intel integrated video
One additional note: When I received the "permission denied"
error I had the same thought as you. I was unaware of the issue
you outlined with libvirt needing to be configured to run as
root on some versions of Fedora. Still, as root I did
successfully detach my video card... at least that's how it
appeared given the monitor went no-signal and then displayed a
strange pattern. The system wouldn't ping and failed to respond
to ssh attempts. I had to reboot to recover. I tried a second
experiment where I first started a ssh session and then detached
(from the host). Going back to the 2nd system the ssh session
stopped responding.
Actually that's probably more of an indication that your kernel just
doesn't properly handle having the primary video device disappear
midstream. You may have different results if you connected two video
cards to a system, and tried to passthrough the secondary (it still
probably wouldn't work, but it would likely fail in a different
That leads me to believe it's not fully baked,
something critically fails, and it's not going to work for me
at-least at my current levels.
Alex Williamson gave a talk at this year's KVM Forum (in October)
about the difficulties of making VGA passthrough work, and it was
truly frightening; there are just too many strange, undocumented
backdoors in the devices that are required by the drivers for proper
In my mind this whole area just has too great of a likelihood of
total failure without possibility of making it work in a reasonable
time frame.
To answer your question: I'm running Fedora 18.
F18 was definitely one of the releases that was broken wrt PCI
passthrough requiring qemu to be run as root. I don't recall if the
kernel guys ever fixed it in that version or not. I pestered them
about it for months, then finally gave up.
BTW, you know that F18 has just gone end-of-life, right? This means
no more updates of any type, even security updates. You can actually
upgrade your F18 machine to F19, and F19 to F20, using the "fedup"
package (I haven't tried using fedup to go directly from F18 to F20,
but I suppose you could look into it). *A lot* has changed in
virtualization in the last year, and as a bonus, you'll be covered
for security fixes for another year.
Is there a place where I can follow updates and see PCI
pass-through mature so I'll know when next to try?
Well, you could try the qemu-devel mailing list, but it's pretty
high traffic, and very few of the messages would be on this
particular topic. That *is* the place where any discussion would
take place, though.
Thank you, again, for your help!
BTW, it's best to keep all messages on the list rather than private
replies. That way someone else with better information may reply
(and people very often get busy and disappear for several days/weeks
at a time, so it's better to not rely on a response from a single
11 years, 2 months
[libvirt-users] Newbie question about network setup
by hubert depesz lubaczewski
I've read some docs, and have some ideas, but before I'll go any
further, I'd like to get confirmation if I'm understanding it right.
Let's assume that on my host I want to have 5 different guests, but they
shouldn't be able to communicate with each other.
Is the solution to it addition of 5 separate "networks" in libvirt, and
then connecting each guest to its own "network"?
Looks sensible, but perhaps I'm overlooking something.
Best regards,
The best thing about modern society is how easy it is to avoid contact with it.
11 years, 2 months
[libvirt-users] Using Java bindings to event callback
by Howie
My test environment :
CentOS 6.3 6.4
Ubuntu 13.10
For CentOS 6.4
I am try to use java bindings to event callback.
int register = conn.domainEventRegisterAny(null, 0, cb);
But always get the following error message:
libvirt: Remote Driver error : adding cb to list
exception caught:org.libvirt.LibvirtException: adding cb to list
message:adding cb to list
str2:adding cb to list
By the way I also trace the mail list
*[libvirt] [PATCH] Java bindings for domain events* (2008 Nov 07)
*[libvirt] [PATCH 1/2] Java bindings for domain events**[libvirt]
[PATCH 2/2] Java bindings for domain events* (2008 Nov 18) --> Reject
patch*Re: [libvirt] [PATCH 1/2] Java bindings for domain events* (2008
Dec) —>No Result*[libvirt-users] Using Java bindings to event
callback * (2010 Jul) —>No Result
*[libvirt] [PATCH 0/2] Libvirt-java event handling (2011Jul)* —>
I think most drivers don't support that. We have a custom driver for
our hypervisor and it works.
*[libvirt] [libvirt-java] [PATCH 00/12] event support* (2013 Jan)
—> *Re: [libvirt] [libvirt-java] [PATCH 00/12] event support (2013
Mar)* --> No Result
Any suggestions?
11 years, 2 months
[libvirt-users] running LXC hello world example
by Jacob Everist
I am having difficulty getting any sort of LXC container running. I am
trying to use the following tutorial to run the hello world example:
Here are the results of my running the tutorial:
[root@terraria ~]# virsh list
Id Name State
[root@terraria ~]# virsh uri
[root@terraria ~]# cat helloworld.xml
<domain type='lxc'>
<console type='pty'/>
[root@terraria ~]# virsh define helloworld.xml
Domain helloworld defined from helloworld.xml
[root@terraria ~]# virsh start helloworld
error: Failed to start domain helloworld
error: internal error guest failed to start: PATH=/bin:/sbin TERM=linux
container=lxc-libvirt container_uuid=791640de-95a9-082c-7292-c55106bcdca9
LIBVIRT_LXC_NAME=helloworld /bin/sh
error receiving signal from container: Input/output error
As you can see, I am getting an error. How do I go about diagnosing this
error? This is a fresh install so the only thing I have been using this
machine for is for LXC/libvirt testing.
Jacob Everist
cell: 310-425-9732
email: jacob.everist(a)
11 years, 2 months
[libvirt-users] If it's possible for a third-party PCIe card to be shared by multiple containers
by WANG Cheng D
Dear all,
I have a thirty-party PCIe card in my host which can work properly in native mode.
I wonder if this card can be shared by multiple containers.
As far as the network interface is concerned, too many efforts have been made for it. Two dedicated cgroup resource schedulers/subsystem(net_cls, net_prio) have been provided at the kernel level, and libvirt has also done a lot of work on virtual networking to enable network interface sharing between containers.
As it's difficult for me to implement all these things that have been done for network interface, I should find other way to enable sharing of this card.
Do you have any idea?
Any comments will be high appreciated.
Cheng Wang
11 years, 2 months