[libvirt] [test-API][PATCH] Add and update functions in domainAPI
by Wayne Sun
* add 9 new block related functions
block_pull(self, domname, path, bandwidth = 0, flag = 0)
block_resize(self, domname, path, size, flag = 0)
block_job_abort(self, domname, path, flag = 0)
block_job_set_speed(self, domname, path, bandwidth, flag = 0)
get_block_job_info(self, domname, path, flag = 0)
get_blkio_parameters(self, domname, flag)
get_block_io_tune(self, domname, path, flag)
set_blkio_parameters(self, domname, params, flag)
set_block_io_tune(self, domname, path, params, flag)
2 bugs related to parameters for 4 functions(get_blkio_parameters,
get_block_io_tune, set_blkio_parameters and set_block_io_tune),
it is considered in this patch, it could be updated later anyway.
* Add 2 memory parameters function
get_memory_parameters(self, domname, flag)
set_memory_parameters(self, domname, params, flag)
For set_memory_parameters(), the 'params' arguments should be a
dictionary contains selectable keys: hard_limit, soft_limit,
{'hard_limit':10240, 'soft_limit':100000, 'swap_hard_limit':102400}
* update 2 functions with problem
memory_stats(self, domname)
set_sched_params_flags(self, domname, params, flags)
lib/domainAPI.py | 103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/domainAPI.py b/lib/domainAPI.py
index a6efab7..1f6ef49 100644
--- a/lib/domainAPI.py
+++ b/lib/domainAPI.py
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ class DomainAPI(object):
def set_sched_params_flags(self, domname, params, flags):
dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
- retval = dom_obj.setSchedulerParameters(params, flags)
+ retval = dom_obj.setSchedulerParametersFlags(params, flags)
return retval
except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
message = e.get_error_message()
@@ -581,6 +581,105 @@ class DomainAPI(object):
code = e.get_error_code()
raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def block_pull(self, domname, path, bandwidth = 0, flag = 0):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.blockPull(path, bandwidth, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def block_resize(self, domname, path, size, flag = 0):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.blockResize(path, size, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def block_job_abort(self, domname, path, flag = 0):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.blockJobAbort(path, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def block_job_set_speed(self, domname, path, bandwidth, flag = 0):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.blockJobSetSpeed(path, bandwidth, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def get_block_job_info(self, domname, path, flag = 0):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.blockJobInfo(path, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def get_blkio_parameters(self, domname, flag):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.blkioParameters(flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def get_block_io_tune(self, domname, path, flag):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.blockIoTune(path, params, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def set_blkio_parameters(self, domname, params, flag):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.setBlkioParameters(params, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def set_block_io_tune(self, domname, path, params, flag):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.setBlockIoTune(path, params, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def get_memory_parameters(self, domname, flag):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.memoryParameters(flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
+ def set_memory_parameters(self, domname, params, flag):
+ try:
+ dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
+ return dom_obj.setMemoryParameters(params, flag)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ message = e.get_error_message()
+ code = e.get_error_code()
+ raise exception.LibvirtAPI(message, code)
def memory_stats(self, domname):
dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
@@ -593,7 +692,7 @@ class DomainAPI(object):
def memory_peek(self, domname, start, size, buffer, flag = 0):
dom_obj = self.get_domain_by_name(domname)
- return dom_obj.blockPeek(start, size, buffer, flag)
+ return dom_obj.memoryPeek(start, size, buffer, flag)
except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
message = e.get_error_message()
code = e.get_error_code()
13 years, 1 month
[libvirt] How to connect to a remote VM ESXi server with Python language?
by ice
Hi, Dear Mr/Mrs.
I have trouble in connecting to a VM ESXi server with python.
I am a developer using libvirt to control remote VM ESXi with python
language. But I am not able to connect to a remote VM ESXi server.
I make my try to solve this issue:
1: I use the function libvirt.Open() to open the remote VM ESXi Server, but
I don't know how to input the password. It seems that there is no parameter
for password input.
2: I use "virsh connect ---". It is succeed when it is executed on locale
machine manual, but failed when I invoke this command in python environment.
I use "subprocess.Popen" to execute the command "virsh", but this function
would be hung on after command "communicate" executed.
-bash-4.1# python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, May 20 2011, 16:42:11)
[GCC 4.4.5 20110214 (Red Hat 4.4.5-6)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from subprocess import Popen,PIPE,STDOUT
>>> command=['virsh', '-c', 'esx://','list',
>>> p=Popen(command, stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
>>> output = p.communicate()[0]
How to fix it?
Thanks for help!
Best regards!
13 years, 1 month
[libvirt] [PATCH] Fix build on s390(x) and other stange arches
by Daniel Veillard
The blocks to extract node information on a per-arch
basis wasn't well balanced leading to a compilation
failure if not on one of the handled arches (PCs and PPCs)
Pushed under the build breaker rule, but is not part of 0.9.9-rc1
as I discovered it after the release.
diff --git a/src/nodeinfo.c b/src/nodeinfo.c
index 7537918..e0b66f7 100644
--- a/src/nodeinfo.c
+++ b/src/nodeinfo.c
@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ int linuxNodeInfoCPUPopulate(FILE *cpuinfo,
/* Accept trailing fractional part. */
&& (*p == '\0' || *p == '.' || c_isspace(*p)))
nodeinfo->mhz = ui;
+ }
# elif defined(__powerpc__) || \
if (STRPREFIX(buf, "clock")) {
@@ -271,10 +272,10 @@ int linuxNodeInfoCPUPopulate(FILE *cpuinfo,
* identification and machine, but we don't want it to be caught
* and parsed in next iteration, because it is not in expected
* format and thus lead to error. */
+ }
# else
# warning Parser for /proc/cpuinfo needs to be adapted for your architecture
# endif
- }
/* OK, we've parsed clock speed out of /proc/cpuinfo. Get the core, socket
Daniel Veillard | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit http://xmlsoft.org/
daniel(a)veillard.com | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library http://libvirt.org/
13 years, 1 month
[libvirt] [PATCH] python: Fix problems of virDomain{Set, Get}BlkioParameters bindings
by ajia@redhat.com
From: Alex Jia <ajia(a)redhat.com>
The parameter 'device_weight' is a string, however, the 'VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING'
type condition is missed by libvirt_virDomain{Set, Get}BlkioParameters bindings,
the result is we can't get or change 'device_weight' value.
* python/libvirt-override.c: Add missing 'VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING' condition into
libvirt_virDomain{Set, Get}BlkioParameters bindings.
Signed-off-by: Alex Jia <ajia(a)redhat.com>
python/libvirt-override.c | 8 ++++++++
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python/libvirt-override.c b/python/libvirt-override.c
index d2aad0f..c8ea3dc 100644
--- a/python/libvirt-override.c
+++ b/python/libvirt-override.c
@@ -726,6 +726,10 @@ libvirt_virDomainSetBlkioParameters(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ params[i].value.s = PyString_AsString(val);
+ break;
@@ -811,6 +815,10 @@ libvirt_virDomainGetBlkioParameters(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
val = PyBool_FromLong((long)params[i].value.b);
+ val = PyString_FromString((char *)params[i].value.s);
+ break;
13 years, 1 month
[libvirt] [PATCH] remove a static limit on max domains in python bindings
by Daniel Veillard
* python/libvirt-override.c: remove the predefined array in the
virConnectListDomainsID binding and call virConnectNumOfDomains
to do a proper allocation
diff --git a/python/libvirt-override.c b/python/libvirt-override.c
index 8a643a3..2dea16b 100644
--- a/python/libvirt-override.c
+++ b/python/libvirt-override.c
@@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@ static PyObject *
libvirt_virConnectListDomainsID(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
PyObject *args) {
PyObject *py_retval;
- int ids[500], c_retval, i;
+ int *ids = NULL, c_retval, i;
virConnectPtr conn;
PyObject *pyobj_conn;
@@ -1626,14 +1626,34 @@ libvirt_virConnectListDomainsID(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
conn = (virConnectPtr) PyvirConnect_Get(pyobj_conn);
- c_retval = virConnectListDomains(conn, &ids[0], 500);
+ c_retval = virConnectNumOfDomains(conn);
if (c_retval < 0)
return VIR_PY_NONE;
+ if (c_retval) {
+ ids = malloc(sizeof(*ids) * c_retval);
+ if (!ids)
+ return VIR_PY_NONE;
+ c_retval = virConnectListDomains(conn, ids, c_retval);
+ if (c_retval < 0) {
+ free(ids);
+ return VIR_PY_NONE;
+ }
+ }
py_retval = PyList_New(c_retval);
- for (i = 0;i < c_retval;i++) {
- PyList_SetItem(py_retval, i, libvirt_intWrap(ids[i]));
+ if (ids) {
+ for (i = 0;i < c_retval;i++) {
+ PyList_SetItem(py_retval, i, libvirt_intWrap(ids[i]));
+ }
+ free(ids);
Daniel Veillard | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit http://xmlsoft.org/
daniel(a)veillard.com | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library http://libvirt.org/
13 years, 1 month
[libvirt] [PATCHv3] python: Fixup python binding for virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune APIs
by ajia@redhat.com
From: Alex Jia <ajia(a)redhat.com>
The parameter 'params' is useless for virDomainGetBlockIoTune API, and the
return value type should be a virTypedParameterPtr not integer. In addition,
the parameter number is also incorrect in libvirt_virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune APIs.
* libvirt-override-api.xml: Remove useless the parameter 'params' from
virDomainGetBlockIoTune API, and change return value type from integer
to virTypedParameterPtr.
* python/libvirt-override.c: Fix the parameter number match issue.
Signed-off-by: Alex Jia <ajia(a)redhat.com>
python/libvirt-override-api.xml | 3 +--
python/libvirt-override.c | 4 ++--
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python/libvirt-override-api.xml b/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
index 07e4a78..a2fd219 100644
--- a/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
+++ b/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
@@ -401,9 +401,8 @@
<info>Get the I/O tunables for a block device</info>
<arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to the domain'/>
<arg name='disk' type='const char *' info='disk name'/>
- <arg name='params' type='virTypedParameterPtr' info='Pointer to blkio tuning params object'/>
<arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='an OR'ed set of virDomainModificationImpact'/>
- <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure'/>
+ <return type='virTypedParameterPtr' info='the I/O tunables value or None in case of error'/>
<function name='virDomainBlockPeek' file='python'>
<info>Read the contents of domain's disk device</info>
diff --git a/python/libvirt-override.c b/python/libvirt-override.c
index 8a643a3..a704e78 100644
--- a/python/libvirt-override.c
+++ b/python/libvirt-override.c
@@ -3301,7 +3301,7 @@ libvirt_virDomainSetBlockIoTune(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
int nparams = 0, i;
int c_ret;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Ozi:virDomainSetBlockIoTune",
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"OzOi:virDomainSetBlockIoTune",
&pyobj_domain, &disk, &pyinfo, &flags))
domain = (virDomainPtr) PyvirDomain_Get(pyobj_domain);
@@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ libvirt_virDomainGetBlockIoTune(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
virTypedParameterPtr params;
int c_ret;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Oi:virDomainGetBlockIoTune",
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Ozi:virDomainGetBlockIoTune",
&pyobj_domain, &disk, &flags))
domain = (virDomainPtr) PyvirDomain_Get(pyobj_domain);
13 years, 1 month
[libvirt] [PATCHv2] python: Fixup python binding for virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune APIs
by ajia@redhat.com
From: Alex Jia <ajia(a)redhat.com>
python: Fixup python binding for virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune APIs
The parameter 'params' is useless for virDomainGetBlockIoTune API, and the
return value type should be a virTypedParameterPtr not integer. In addition,
the parameter number is also incorrect in libvirt_virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune APIs.
* libvirt-override-api.xml: Remove useless the parameter 'params' from
virDomainGetBlockIoTune API, and change return value type from integer
to virTypedParameterPtr.
* python/libvirt-override.c: Fix the parameter number match issue.
Signed-off-by: Alex Jia <ajia(a)redhat.com>
python/libvirt-override-api.xml | 3 +--
python/libvirt-override.c | 4 ++--
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python/libvirt-override-api.xml b/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
index 07e4a78..a2fd219 100644
--- a/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
+++ b/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
@@ -401,9 +401,8 @@
<info>Get the I/O tunables for a block device</info>
<arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to the domain'/>
<arg name='disk' type='const char *' info='disk name'/>
- <arg name='params' type='virTypedParameterPtr' info='Pointer to blkio tuning params object'/>
<arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='an OR'ed set of virDomainModificationImpact'/>
- <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure'/>
+ <return type='virTypedParameterPtr *' info='the I/O tunables value or None in case of error'/>
<function name='virDomainBlockPeek' file='python'>
<info>Read the contents of domain's disk device</info>
diff --git a/python/libvirt-override.c b/python/libvirt-override.c
index 8a643a3..a704e78 100644
--- a/python/libvirt-override.c
+++ b/python/libvirt-override.c
@@ -3301,7 +3301,7 @@ libvirt_virDomainSetBlockIoTune(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
int nparams = 0, i;
int c_ret;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Ozi:virDomainSetBlockIoTune",
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"OzOi:virDomainSetBlockIoTune",
&pyobj_domain, &disk, &pyinfo, &flags))
domain = (virDomainPtr) PyvirDomain_Get(pyobj_domain);
@@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ libvirt_virDomainGetBlockIoTune(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
virTypedParameterPtr params;
int c_ret;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Oi:virDomainGetBlockIoTune",
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Ozi:virDomainGetBlockIoTune",
&pyobj_domain, &disk, &flags))
domain = (virDomainPtr) PyvirDomain_Get(pyobj_domain);
13 years, 1 month
[libvirt] [PATCH] python: Fixup python binding for virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune APIs
by ajia@redhat.com
From: Alex Jia <ajia(a)redhat.com>
python: Fixup python binding for virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune APIs
The parameter 'params' is useless for virDomainGetBlockIoTune API, and the
return value should be a string not integer. In addition, the parameter
number is also incorrect in libvirt_virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune APIs.
* libvirt-override-api.xml: Remove useless the parameter 'params' from virDomainGetBlockIoTune
API, and change return value type from integer to string.
* python/libvirt-override.c: Fix the parameter number match issue.
Signed-off-by: Alex Jia <ajia(a)redhat.com>
python/libvirt-override-api.xml | 3 +--
python/libvirt-override.c | 4 ++--
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python/libvirt-override-api.xml b/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
index 07e4a78..a2fd219 100644
--- a/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
+++ b/python/libvirt-override-api.xml
@@ -401,9 +401,8 @@
<info>Get the I/O tunables for a block device</info>
<arg name='dom' type='virDomainPtr' info='pointer to the domain'/>
<arg name='disk' type='const char *' info='disk name'/>
- <arg name='params' type='virTypedParameterPtr' info='Pointer to blkio tuning params object'/>
<arg name='flags' type='unsigned int' info='an OR'ed set of virDomainModificationImpact'/>
- <return type='int' info='0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure'/>
+ <return type='char *' info='the I/O tunables value or None in case of error'/>
<function name='virDomainBlockPeek' file='python'>
<info>Read the contents of domain's disk device</info>
diff --git a/python/libvirt-override.c b/python/libvirt-override.c
index 8a643a3..a704e78 100644
--- a/python/libvirt-override.c
+++ b/python/libvirt-override.c
@@ -3301,7 +3301,7 @@ libvirt_virDomainSetBlockIoTune(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
int nparams = 0, i;
int c_ret;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Ozi:virDomainSetBlockIoTune",
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"OzOi:virDomainSetBlockIoTune",
&pyobj_domain, &disk, &pyinfo, &flags))
domain = (virDomainPtr) PyvirDomain_Get(pyobj_domain);
@@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ libvirt_virDomainGetBlockIoTune(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
virTypedParameterPtr params;
int c_ret;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Oi:virDomainGetBlockIoTune",
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)"Ozi:virDomainGetBlockIoTune",
&pyobj_domain, &disk, &flags))
domain = (virDomainPtr) PyvirDomain_Get(pyobj_domain);
13 years, 1 month
[libvirt] [PATCH] qemu: fix inf-loop in blkio parameters
by Eric Blake
We had two nested loops both trying to use 'i' as the iteration
variable, which can result in an infinite loop when the inner
loop interferes with the outer loop. Introduced in commit 93ab585.
* src/qemu/qemu_driver.c (qemuDomainSetBlkioParameters): Don't
reuse iteration variable across two loops.
Pushing under the trivial rule.
src/qemu/qemu_driver.c | 12 +++++++-----
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_driver.c b/src/qemu/qemu_driver.c
index eeeb935..a840c1f 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_driver.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_driver.c
@@ -5982,6 +5982,8 @@ static int qemuDomainSetBlkioParameters(virDomainPtr dom,
} else if (STREQ(param->field, VIR_DOMAIN_BLKIO_DEVICE_WEIGHT)) {
size_t ndevices;
virBlkioDeviceWeightPtr devices = NULL;
+ int j;
if (param->type != VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING) {
qemuReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "%s",
_("invalid type for device_weight tunable, "
@@ -5996,19 +5998,19 @@ static int qemuDomainSetBlkioParameters(virDomainPtr dom,
ret = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < ndevices; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ndevices; i++) {
rc = virCgroupSetBlkioDeviceWeight(group,
- devices[i].path,
- devices[i].weight);
+ devices[j].path,
+ devices[j].weight);
if (rc < 0) {
_("Unable to set io device weight "
"for path %s"),
- devices[i].path);
+ devices[j].path);
- if (i != ndevices) {
+ if (j != ndevices) {
ret = -1;
13 years, 1 month