Hi everybody,
I'm using the PHP API to make a web interface interact with the virtual
machines installed on some hypervisor.
Everything is fine, but I would like to find a way to get the guest's
cpu and mem usage, so that it should be possible to make some rrd
graphs. I didn't find out anything and also it seems looking around that
there is no way to obtain those data.
What is strange for me is that programs like virt-top are showing
exactly what I'm looking for. Can anyone help me to find out a way to
retrieve those statistics?
Another related question: do you think I can obtain the same data by
using this:
ps aux | egrep "[/]usr/libexec/qemu-kvm.*libvirt.*" | awk '{print
on the hypervisor? These are related to the kvm process, and the kvm
process IS the virtual machine... Or not?
Thanks to everybody,
Mia Mamma Usa Linux: Niente รจ impossibile da capire, se lo spieghi bene!