I am a bit lost and hope someone can help me. I am running Debian
bookworm (testing) with last updates.
$ sudo apt policy libvirt-daemon
Installé : 8.5.0-1
Candidat : 8.5.0-1
Table de version :
*** 8.5.0-1 100
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
I am unable to start default network , and get an error related to
iptables :
$ sudo virsh net-start default
erreur :Impossible de démarrer le réseau default
erreur :internal error: Failed to apply firewall rules
/usr/sbin/iptables -w --table filter --list-rules: libvirt: erreur :
cannot execute binary /usr/sbin/iptables: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce
Sorry for the french, it says "impossible to start default network" and
"no such file or folder" at the end.
It is true I removed iptables because I want to use only nftables (I
removed both ufw and iptables packages (apt remove), and enabled the
nftables service before error raises). Before this, all was fine, but
when I enabled nftables, all VMs disapeared from virt-manager).
I uninstalled KVM related packages and reinstalled, still the same.
I also installed back iptables, but strangely I still get the same
error, although binary /usr/sbin/iptables is there.
I tried many things with no luck, restarted libvirtd service, recreated
the network, etc...
Has anyone some idea about what is happening here ? is there some
incompatibility with nftables (firewalld service is disabled) and libvirt ?
Thank you,