On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 02:56:10PM +0000, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
This pattern has come up a few times now:
ISP provides a Xen hosting service to customers. ISP wants to provide
some basic statistics to their customers. The statistics could be
provided to a customer through the libvirt remote protocol, eg:
customer$ virsh -c xen://dom0/ dominfo mydom
But the problem with this is that (as libvirt is currently architected)
_any_ access to dom0, if it authenticates, gives access to information
from all domains.
We've previously discussed adding access control using something like
SELinux (see for example:
but nothing much has come of it so far.
But can we solve the single common case above directly, without
thwarting our ability to solve the bigger picture later?
My suggestion is that we add an option to /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf,
something like:
tls_restrict_dn: [
"DN1", "name:customer1",
"DN2", "uuid:12345678",
"DN3", "*"
with the meaning that (presumably a customer) connecting with
certificate DN1 could only find out information about the domain
"customer1", DN2 similarly, DN3 is a privileged client, and any other DN
would be rejected.
Hum, that still sounds very specific to me, it's just one special case
that we need to keep in mind when designing the general solution.
(Compare and contrast to tls_allowed_dn_list:
An implementation of this would modify the call to virConnectOpen to add
an additional flag (or call?) allowing the access control to be passed,
and this would have to be checked in the relevant virDomain* calls.
This is not dissimilar to how read-only connections are implemented in
libvirtd currently.
I would also suggest as a matter of course that we modify all public
calls in src/libvirt.c to add a call to a generic permission checking
routine, for example:
virDomainSuspend(virDomainPtr domain)
virConnectPtr conn;
DEBUG("domain=%p", domain);
return (-1);
- if (domain->conn->flags & VIR_CONNECT_RO) {
- virLibDomainError(domain, VIR_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED, __FUNCTION__);
- return (-1);
- }
+ if (!check_permission (domain, OP_SUSPEND)) return -1;
With the initial implementation of check_permission just doing the
VIR_CONNECT_RO check to start with, but able to do other checks in future.
Yes that to me is uncontroversial, we need to plug finer grained auth
at each call level and not just at Connect time (though I still think having
a specific ConnectReadOnly method makes sense), now the big question is
how do we actually plug the policy checks in (and also what).
Also relevant to this is SASL support, see:
since AIUI this changes the possible formats for Distinguished Names, or
could even make DNs irrelevant.
I looked at the SASL patches, the checking there seems to be done
in the remote code front-end (assuming I understood this correctly)
rather than in the top level entry point (which are presumably only
called on the client side. Still it makes sense to be able to do
finer access control locally (or on the client side) that doesn't
prevent the approach needed by the SASL patch.
Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard | virtualization library
veillard(a)redhat.com | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine