On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:14:05AM -0700, Spencer Parker wrote:
I am really excited to start using this, but I have a couple of
questions about how to use it exactly. I want to be able to pull a list
of stats out of my Xen machines. I need to get something like network
i/o. I just need to know how much in and out traffic that a specific
machine is doing. I am pretty new to python and to programming in
general. I have looked at the APi and stuff like that, but am a little
confused still on how to actually do this. Mainly I just need to know
how to connect to certain things.
Once I have a basic understanding of what is going on then I can take it
from there. Thanks for all the help!
There is a couple of C code examples at
unfortunately this is a bit lacking.
Fetch the sources, you can find a directory python/tests with python
examples. For 'how to connect' pass a connection URi to the connection
creation call instead of NULL/None there are examples
That should not be too hard, really, and if you can contribute back
a simple C example for statistics extraction I will add it, that could
help the next person !
Red Hat Virtualization group
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