On 10/21/24 3:39 PM, validsudoku(a)gmail.com wrote:
Hi, pardon my ignorance. I'm trying to add some changes to the
libvirt codebase (
I've successfully built it with `meson setup /build` and a `compile_commands.json`
was generated in the build folder. But vscode keeps showing that there are errors from
trying to find certain files and identifiers. I have also copied the
`compile_commands.json` to the root of the project with no success. I'm new to working
on a large C codebase, as i'm mainly into Go. I have also installed the `meson.build`
extension as prescribed in
https://mesonbuild.com/IDE-integration.html, is there anything
i'm missing?
I only used vscode once about 4 years ago, and have never used it for
building libvirt, so I can't help you there, but I can tell you how I
setup a build environment and build libvirt from a shell prompt. The
following is on Fedora, and would work the same for any RHEL/CentOS
1) to make sure I have all necessary -devel packages and tools
installed, I run:
sudo dnf builddep libvirt
and allow it to install everything it asks to install.
2) to setup the build directory, I run:
meson build -Dsystem=true
3) To just build the binaries:
ninja -C build test
or 4) to build rpm packages that can be installed with dnf:
(first commit any local changes)
ninja -C build dist && rpmbuild -ta build/meson-dist/libvirt*.tar.xz