On 05/02/2013 11:45 PM, yue wrote:
[these days, sending mail in charset=GBK is counterproductive; sending
mail in UTF-8 is preferred]
requested operation is not valid: domain is not running but
exactly vm is running
when call getCPUStats,interfaceStats...
system: centos6.3
Your report is lacking some details. It would help if you could paste
the actual contents from your terminal session of three commands in a
row: 'virsh list --all', the command you typed that failed (showing both
what you typed and the actual error message in context), and another
'virsh list --all' (thus proving that the domain in question was in a
given state both before and after the command you attempted which failed).
Also, libvir-list tends to focus on development of the latest
libvirt.git (now beyond 1.0.5); whereas this seems to be a usage
question for an older version of libvirt, where the libvirt-users list
might be a better fit. If you still think it is relevant to libvirt.git
development, then reproducing the test on libvirt 1.0.5 or self-built
libvirt.git would be helpful.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library