On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 03:17:35PM -0700, Ronald Long wrote:
I am trying to talk to a 4.0.1 Xen Hypervisor (not Xen underneath a
Linux Distro) (via Python) from a Windows box.
(Am able to successfully connect and communicate using the Xen API
Python bindings).
Hum, libvirt and Xen API are two different stacks (as far as I know),
so I'm not sure how this relates.
Looks like at the very least I need to build libvirtmon.la from
the c
Am I just dealing with "beginneritis", or trying to do something (run
from Windows) that
hasn't been done before?
Libvirt hasn't been ported to Windows so far, though I would really encourage
people who are interested to look at it. I have tried to avoid code which would
really be a problem, but the dependancy stack may not be trivial. In any case
if there are interested people, I welcome patches (but let's discuss it here
first !).
Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard | virtualization library
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