even though this might probably not be exactly what you expect,
I released a GPL3-Tool, the UnifiedSessionsManager, what functionally
supports the "splitted" management of Clients and Servers including
and allows for disconnect and reconnect by a simplified addressing
schema only.
But anyhow, the onyl supported communications channel is SSH, tested
with OpenSSH.
I personally use SSH as kerberized SSO in companion with LDAP and
automount by usage
of PAM, thus having exactly the functionality of a centralized access by
communications only.
The tool supports for DISPLAYFORWARDING as well as for
which is a local client on caller's site. Remote execution of X11
clients are supoorted, e.g.
for remote VMM execution and passing the GUI through the SSH tunnel via
Additionally several CONSOLE types are supported in a generic manner for
which are: XTERM, GTERM, VNC, EMACS, NONE. Where NONE is the headless-mode
for initial startup.
The name UnifiedSessionsManager means, it supports the (almost) same
syntax for
all supported types: XEN, QEMU,
and PM, where PM is a physical machine, which could be started by
Thus you can setup a login-server, where ever you want, and just access
any of your
PMs or VMs, physical or virtual machines, in a secure manner by SSH. And
connect and
reconnect arbitrarily as you require, and choose for each session a
different CONSOLE type.
Additionally MACROs and GROUPs are supported, though the one-call
startup of any desktop
with an arbitrary number of VMs is supported. This includes the
automated startup of the
The URL is
Stefan de Konink wrote:
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 02:26:57PM -0400, Andrew Cathrow wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 11:23 -0700, Schroeder, Paul wrote:
>>> Hello all...
>>> In my VM's inittab, I set agetty to run on ttyS0 so I could do
>>> console myvm" and log in from the host machine's command line. It
>>> perfectly. Trouble is, I don't know how to break out of it to get back
>>> to the command line on my host. I've only been able to do so by killing
>>> the virsh process. There's gotta be a better way.. Right?
>> ctrl + ]
> Patches to add documentation to this effect in the virsh.pod man page
> and / or website HTML pages are welcomed :-)
With respect to this. Does anyone have a pam configuration to connect to
vm (vm@shellhost)? My current plan is to extend my mDNS based libvirt
implementation with one login server that is able to connect to any of my
other nodes in the network. But if anyone has something I can base a PAM
configuration on I'm happy to reuse it :)
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Arno-Can Uestuensoez
www.i4p.de /