Hi experts,
Is there anybody could help me to fix this bug:
my libvirt version is 1.1.4-manit without the newest patches after this one:
13 days ago Eric Blake event: move event filtering to daemon (regression fix)
Description of problem:
After I cherry-picked these patches of 1.1.4-maint branch(I want to fix the dead lock and
a libvirtd crash bugs of libvirtd,
my libvirtd can be started, but the connection can't be established,
and libvirtd failed to stop after 'service libvirt-bin stop', as well as
'ctrl+c' when I run 'libvirtd -v' on the foreground.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. create many VMs(40 in my env) on the host
2. kill -9 `pid of libvirtd`
3. start libvirtd by using service libvirt-bin start
4. virsh list or virsh version
Thanks a lot!