folowing the instructions in netcf I'm trying to run some basic interface
configuration via libvirt patched with the netcf patches
I get error messages - but the interface(eth1) seem to be managed correctly - do I have an
aug(what is that?) problem?
virsh # iface-define /root/libvirt_working/eth1.xml
error: Failed to define interface from /root/libvirt_working/eth1.xml
error: internal error could not get interface XML description (netcf: unspecified error -
aug_save failed)
virsh # iface-list
Name State MAC Address
eth0 active 00:18:fe:28:7d:82
lo active 00:00:00:00:00:00
virsh # iface-start eth1
Interface eth1 started
virsh # iface-list
Name State MAC Address
eth0 active 00:18:fe:28:7d:82
eth1 active 00:18:fe:28:7d:83
lo active 00:00:00:00:00:00
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