On 07/10/2013 09:11 PM, Laine Stump wrote:
I had made the change locally, so make check and make syntax-check
were successful, but forgot to add/commit. Unfortunately, git allows a
push when the local directory is dirty, so it didn't catch my mistake.
I also got bit by a similar situation yesterday, on another list - but
with send-email instead of push.
Pushed under the build breaker rule.
git *was* very informative when I tried to switch branches - *then* it
complained about the uncommitted local changes. No problem to push
with outstanding local changes though. That seems like a bug to me; is
there any situation where that would be a desired thing?
Yes, it can be reasonable to push a patch while the tree is still dirty
for unrelated reasons. But I agree that it seems like an advanced
option, and that most users would much rather be informed any time
'send-email' or 'push' is attempted while changes are still pending,
especially if the changes being emailed or pushed touch the same files.
There's probably a way to set up git hooks to forbid push actions if
the tree is dirty, but that would be a question for the git lists or irc
If either one of us finds a solution for such a hook, be sure to post it
back here.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library