Le 18. 02. 11 14:11, Matthias Bolte a écrit :
2011/2/18 Cédric Penas<cedric.penas(a)hesge.ch>:
> Hi,
> I am currently working on a project where I must develop a function to clone
> domain for the driver ESX.
> I immediately saw that the function cloneVM_Task () from VMware API was not
> supported for standalone ESX.
Do you mean that the ESX driver doesn't use CloneVM_Task() or that the
ESX server returns an NotImplemented fault for a call to
I tried to use CloneVM_Task() but the ESX server returns the following
It seems that we should have "vCenter" to use this function.
> Does anyone know the best way to still implement this function or
> workaround ?
> Why is it not already implemented ?
It's not implemented in libvirt, because libvirt doesn't have a
virDomainClone() function, so there is no way for the ESX driver to
use CloneVM_Task().
The virt-clone tool uses several libvirt functions to perform a clone
operation. The basics steps are:
- get the domain XML description of the domain to clone
- determine the storage volumes to clone
- issue a virStorageVolCreateXMLFrom() for each storage volume to be cloned
- update the storage volume references in the domain XML description;
remove the uuid and mac addresses to get new ones
- define a new domain from the edited domain XML description
You should be able to implement a clone operation for ESX on top of
libvirt without the need to change libvirt.
Or try to use virt-clone for ESX. IIRC virt-clone currently doesn't
handle the VMware path format properly so it might need some tweaks.
Yes I know this is not implemented and that is what I would to do.
Now, I created a function virDomainClone () in Libvirt and I have
implemented the function onlyfor ESXdriver. This function creates a new
directory, copies the virtualdisk of the source domainin this new
directory and creates the VM cloned from this virtualdisk.
Your proposal seems better but what is the difference? Would you have a
link to documentations about the XML description because I've never used it.
Sorry if my questions are stupids and thank you for your answers;)