25 Апр 2017 г. 10:23 пользователь "Michal Privoznik"
Dear list,
as you might have seen, I've been playing with our streams lately. One of
the things I wanted to try was how my sparse streams deal with vol-download
and slow writer (e.g. slow disk). Note to whomever wants to try that out:
blkio,throttle.write_* is no good for this. So I went the old way:
diff --git i/tools/virsh-util.c w/tools/virsh-util.c
index 4b86e29..8f5738d 100644
--- i/tools/virsh-util.c
+++ w/tools/virsh-util.c
@@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ virshStreamSink(virStreamPtr st ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
int *fd = opaque;
+ sleep(60);
return safewrite(*fd, bytes, nbytes);
And found out something ugly: the memory footprint of virsh just keeps
growing as vol-download progresses. I've tracked down the problem to:
1) The client event loop (virNetClientIOEventLoop) sees some incoming data,
so it reads it (virNetClientIOHandleInput -> virNetClientCallDispatch) and
queues the packet (virNetClientCallDispatchStream) regardless of the length
of already queued packets
2) Since the server sees client has read all the data, it sends even more
And the queue in step 1) just grows and grows. Ideally, the packets are
taken out from the queue by virStreamRecv (which boils down to
virNetClientStreamRecvPacket), but that is not on the schedule for the next
Frankly, I don't have any idea how to fix this. We can stop reading the
data (i.e. not set POLLIN on the client <-> server socket) if the queue
reaches certain length. BUT, this would mean no other call is processed.
Not even keepalive - and the connection would break.
I think breaking connection not bad,simplify retry with new offset.
The other option is to pretend I've never send this e-mail and you've read
nothing O:-)
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