On 08/24/2012 06:04 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
On 08/24/2012 03:57 PM, Laine Stump wrote:
> Everything is ready in both netcf and libvirt to switch over to libnl3
> in future releases of both Fedora and RHEL. This needs to be done more
> or less simultaneously in both packages, though, because you can't mix
> libnl1.1 and libnl3 in the same process (e.g. libvirtd using
> libnl-3.so and libnetcf.so, while libnetcf.so uses libnl.so)
> This patch does two things when fedora >= 18 || rhel >= 7):
> 1) requires libnl3-devel
> 2) requires netcf-devel-0.2.2 or greater
> (the idea is that a similar patch is going into netcf's specfile, so
> that when a build of netcf is done on F18 or later (or RHEL7 or later)
> netcf will be guaranteed to be built with libnl3 rather than
> libnl-1.1)
> ---
> libvirt.spec.in | 9 +++++++++
> 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
Makes sense - you have my ACK from a review standpoint, although I'd at
least like to test a build against the netcf package from F18
updates-testing if we have time to do that before DV cuts the 0.10.0
Okay. I've made the netcf-0.2.2 upstream release that has the specfile
changes, updated both rawhide and F18 packages, made a build for both
and verified that they did use libnl3 rather than libnl1, and requested
the F18 package be pushed to updates-testing. Here is the link to the
f18 package:
The will be in updates-testing "soon" (I don't know if they do it once a
day or twice a day).
I'm also not sure if a buildroot override is still necessary once a
package has hit updates-testing. If so, here's the link to the page that
describes how to set that up: