On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 08:23:36AM -0700, Eric Blake wrote:
On 01/30/2012 07:28 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
>>>> Why has this changed from 'unsigned long long' to just 'long
>>> virStorageVolResize(vol, -10 * 1024 * 1024, DELTA|SHRINK)
>>> is a valid call to shave off 10 MiB of data.
>> Isn't that rather redundant. Either you need a negative size, or you
>> need a SHRINK flag. If you have a shrink flag, then we don't need a
>> signed int.
> In fact since our existing virDomainBlockResize API is already
> using unsigned long long, I'd say we should do shrinkage solely
> based off the SHRINK flag, and *not* require a negative size
> as well
Here's what I was envisioning:
set my size to an absolute of 10M, regardless of whether it was
previously 5M or 15M:
virStorageVolResize(vol, 10*1024*1024, SHRINK)
set my size to an absolute of 10M, but only if it does not shrink:
virStorageVolResize(vol, 10*1024*1024, 0)
set my size to a relative of 10M larger
virStorageVolResize(vol, 10*1024*1024, DELTA)
set my size to a relative of 10M smaller, provided it was at least 10M
to begin with:
virStorageVolResize(vol, -10*1024*1024, DELTA|SHRINK)
You are proposing that the negative sign should be implied by the
combination of DELTA|SHRINK; I guess I can live with that, since the
other three use cases still work as-is, and DELTA|SHRINK is the only
point where a negative value makes sense (and therefore where implying
the negative is okay).
Shall I go ahead and write the patch?
Yep, that would be good.
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