On Wed, Oct 01, 2014 at 10:30:58AM +0200, Stefan Bader wrote:
This had been on the Debian package list before but its time to take
this onwards. So the goal would be to have one set to rule them all
(when using apparmor) and drop the seperate set of definitions which
exist at least in the Ubuntu packaging.
Right now the patch would be at a state which adds all missing files
and rules to the current examples in libvirt and installs them when
using --with-apparmor-profiles.
One problem seems to be that some of the definitions might cause
parse failures on certain versions of apparmor. I checked this morning
and this looks a bit hairy. So some apparmor 2.8 versions potentially
have issues, but not all apparmor 2.8 are the same (gah).
What versions of apparmour are present in the currently supported
versions of Debian & Ubuntu ?
I could imagine (but John, we really could use some guidance here
that at least some changes could be related to version 2.8.95~2430:
+ debian/patches/mediate-signals.patch,
debian/patches/change-signal-syntax.patch: Parse signal rules with
apparmor_parser. See the apparmor.d(5) man page for syntax details.
+ debian/patches/change-ptrace-syntax.patch,
debian/patches/mediate-ptrace.patch: Parse ptrace rules with
apparmor_parser. See the apparmor.d(5) man page for syntax details.
But, regardless of the when, the apparmor rules maybe need a way to handle
versioned features of the parser. One proposal was to comment out problematic
rules and allow the packager to re-enable things. Maybe going one step
further and have some pre-processing that handles version based sections
(like #if (APPARMOR_VERSION >= xxx)).
I think it would be pretty reasonable to rename the files in have '.in'
suffixes, and then have a build script that expands 'if APPARMOR_VERSION'
conditionals to generate the final file.
http://berrange.com -o-
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
http://libvirt.org -o-
http://virt-manager.org :|
http://autobuild.org -o-
http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
http://entangle-photo.org -o-
http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|