Proposal modified after comments from Daniel P. Berrange:
/* Create a virtual device attachment to backend */
int virDomainAttachDevice(virDomainPtr domain, char *xml);
/* Destroy a virtual device attachment to backend */
int virDomainDetachDevice(virDomainPtr domain, char *xml);
/* @domain: pointer to domain object
* @xml: pointer to XML description of one device
* Returns 0 in case of success, -1 in case of failure. */
The XML would be in same form as the part of domain description for a
single device, either <disk.../disk> or <interface.../interface>.
In Detach function, the device is identified by its target name for
"disk", and its MAC address for "interface". When the MAC address has
been assigned by Libvirt user at device creation, it must be retrieved
from Xen using virDomainGetXMLDesc function.