This fixes problems on shared disk management, inspired by the
crash when changing the media of cdrom and floppy disk, and
the source of cdrom and floppy disk is empty.
v1 - v2:
* v1 uses a bitmap to record whether the disk is added into the table
when do qemuProcessStart. v2 added a array to the hash entry to record
the names of domain which uses the shared disk.
* Update the shared disk table when reconnecting qemu process.
Osier Yang (6):
qemu: Add checking in helpers for sgio setting
qemu: Merge qemuCheckSharedDisk into qemuAddSharedDisk
qemu: Record names of domain which uses the shared disk in hash table
qemu: Update shared disk table when reconnecting qemu process
qemu: Move the shared disk adding and sgio setting prior to attaching
qemu: Remove the shared disk entry if the operation is ejecting
src/qemu/qemu_conf.c | 187 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
src/qemu/qemu_conf.h | 22 +++++-
src/qemu/qemu_driver.c | 84 ++++++++++++++-------
src/qemu/qemu_hotplug.c | 10 ++-
src/qemu/qemu_hotplug.h | 3 +-
src/qemu/qemu_process.c | 81 +++++---------------
src/qemu/qemu_process.h | 3 -
7 files changed, 276 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)