On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 08:09:06PM +0100, Diego Elio ???Flameeyes??? Petten? wrote:
I've finally found the time to backport the schema fixes and I'm going
to add the nxml-libvirt-schemas package to Portage so that those like me
who like to edit the XML files with Emacs can do so with some support.
But I didn't pay enough attention before that the .rng files lack a
license header. I'd assume that the license of the package (LGPL-2.1)
apply to the schema, but it would be nice if somebody could confirm that
for me (and eventually somebody, me even, could add the proper headers
to them).
Yes, everything in the libvirt GIT repo is covered by the LGPLv2+ unless
explicitly marked otherwise in a file header.
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