On 08/16/11 18:07, Zdenek Styblik wrote:
>> Well, libvirt.spec has had Require: dnsmasq for at least a
>> years, so any install of a libvirt rpm should fail when dnsmasq
>> isn't present. I don't know for certain how long the BuildRequires:
>> dnsmasq has been there, but certainly for at least a year (the last
>> time the line was modified), so any rpm builds should also fail.
>> But of course if you're running ./autogen.sh and then make, that
>> doesn't involve the specfile.
>> dnsmasq really is an integral part of the network driver; I don't
>> know that it makes any sense to "fix" things so it can be built
>> without dnsmasq. It's probably a good idea to make the failure
>> complete though.
> We already have an option to disable the virtual network driver. I don't
> think we want to have a separate option for dnsmasq, since that is an
> integral part of hte network driver IMHO
> Daniel
I'm sorry, but what? I did not understand single word, and I mean it -
no irony, no pun.
In other words and what I took from the reply, you mean to tell me from
libvirt-0.9.4 and on one is forced to have dnsmasq around resp. to use
So, let me just repeat whole thing again.
Up until libvirt version 0.9.3, libvirt was able to auto-magically
detect presence of dnsmasq. And in case dnsmasq was not found during
./configure; libvirt wouldn't try to use it.
However, since libvirt version 0.9.4 resp. in libvirt version 0.9.4 this
auto-magical detection does not work and libvirt persists on using
dnsmasq which is not present.
As far as any documentation goes, there is no mentioning of dnsmasq
being mandatory(and I've actually mentioned this ~ one year and three
months ago).
Quite contrary, I would say, as
http://libvirt.org/firewall.html says:
Libvirt will *optionally* also provide DHCP services to the virtual
network using DNSMASQ.
What would be really sufficient for me as reply: "Sadly, dnsmasq is
mandatory now. And you will have to deal with it." and I will deal with it.
I won't use libvirt anymore, because it makes no sense to use dnsmasq.
I don't know what to make from your replies as it seems like you don't
want to get blame for this one nor there seems to be will not to make
libvirt dnsmasq independent.
I blame nobody. I want to know, I want to fix it one way or another, and
move on.
Best regards,
Zdenek Styblik
email: stybla(a)turnovfree.net
jabber: stybla(a)jabber.turnovfree.net