I've been playing with the new block-migrate feature, but am unable to
get it to work.
[root@src ~]# virsh migrate --live --p2p --tunnelled
--copy-storage-all 4c5c75b9-decc-41c9-9296-20ca5bd5c355
error: Unknown failure
/var/log/libvirt/qemu/4c5c75b9-decc-41c9-9296-20ca5bd5c355.log on the
destination host shows:
Permission denied
Migration failed. Exit code
It seems that qemu is not able to write to that location.
[root@dst qemu]# ls -ld /var/run/libvirt/qemu/
drwx------. 2 root root 4096 Aug 7 15:40 /var/run/libvirt/qemu/
As a workaround I gave qemu write permission, and now the block migrate starts.
Receiving block device images
Completed 100 %
Then the migrate command fails:
[root@src ~]# virsh migrate --live --p2p --tunnelled
--copy-storage-all 4c5c75b9-decc-41c9-9296-20ca5bd5c355
error: Unknown failure
and the only thing I can find is in /var/log/libvirt/libvirt.log on
the destination:
15:40:12.370: error : qemuStreamMigWrite:10376 : cannot write to
stream: Broken pipe
Maybe I'm using the wrong options for virsh migrate, but they're not
described in the manpage.
Any hints?
Ruben Kerkhof