On 01.10.2016 11:15, Guido Günther wrote:
Debian is about to enter it's freeze for the Stretch release in November
and we will support the libvirt version that is in Stretch for at least
5 years.
The upstream version of libvirt at this point will likely be 2.4.0. Are
any other distros about to pick a version around that time so we can
possibly join forces? Are there any recommendations to rather pick
another version due to planned features/fixes/refactorings that haven't
made it to the list yet?
None that I know of. I mean, I use Gentoo and here I get rolling
updates, so nothing like LTS.
As with previous versions I will feed back patches to the -maint branch
and hope to cut point releases as were currently doing with 0.9.12 but
if other distros (apart from Debians downstreams) would use the same
version this would be a plus.
I think this is the best strategy and I guess if you start the next
-maint branch other distros might pick it up too and help you with that