On Tue, Sep 04, 2012 at 10:22:56 +0100, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
On Mon, Sep 03, 2012 at 12:57:50PM -0300, Marcelo Cerri wrote:
> Hi,
> I was discussing with Jiri Denemark about the current behavior of
> none seclabels with multiple security drivers and I'd like to hear
> more opinions about how this should work.
> Currently, a none security label can be defined specifically to each
> enabled security driver. For example, using a default configuration
> (in which SELinux is enabled as default driver and DAC is enabled
> due to privileged mode), a guest definition can contain the
> following seclabel:
> <seclabel type='none' model='selinux'/>
> This will disable SELinux labeling and will keep labeling enabled
> for any other security drivers (DAC in this case).
> So, my question is: should none seclabels affect specific drivers
> (as done now) or just one none seclabel should be accepted affecting
> all security drivers in use?
No, as with your example above, the type=none is scoped to a specific
And what happens if you have older libvirt and a domain configured with
<seclabel type='none'/> and upgrade libvirt to the state when it actually
enables more than one security driver at a time. Shouldn't such generic
<seclabel type='none'/> actually turn off any labeling, that is, affect all
the enabled drivers?