On Friday, March 28, 2014 12:26:26 PM Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
A bunch of tests currently attempt to kickstart a full Fedora
OS image install. Everytime I try to update this kickstart to
a new version of Fedora it causes no end of pain. Switch the
tests over to use Richard Jones' virt-builder command which
is part of libguestfs. This makes it trivial to deploy and
customize full OS images from pre-built templates.
Mike - does Suse include a new enough version of libguestfs
to get access to the 'virt-builder' tool yet ?
Yes - in openSUSE 13.1 and the upcoming SLE-12 we do have virt-builder. You
are completely right about these tests being rather painful. We have some
local modifications that use autoyast to install a openSUSE 12.3 guest. This
works, but is not without complication. Switching to an openSUSE 13.1 guest
solves some issues and introduces others (just for the installation itself).
For the machines I'm immediately testing with, I hacked through the issues and
created a static 13.1 image that I deploy as part of my provisioning. ;)
I probably won't get to testing these changes today. If not, I'll go through
them on Monday. (When I do, I'll think about adding some type of option to
choose between guest types, rather than maintaining a local patch which
replaces Fedora with SUSE.)
Thanks for doing this, btw. This was next on my list of things to deal with as