On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 03:46:13PM +0000, Shradha Shah wrote:
Shradha Shah (5):
Moving the declaration of _pciDevice and _pciDeviceList to pci.h
Added function pciSysfsFile to enable access to the PCI SYSFS files.
Adding functions virNetDevGetVirtualFunctions and virNetDevGetNetName
virNetDevGetVirtualFunctions: Gets the BDF of all the Virtual
Functions given a physical function virNetDevGetNetName: Gets
the interface name of the PCI Device.
Addition of a new device structure to store the state of a Virtual
Function Modifications to the Physical Device Structure to
store state of its Virtual Functions
If a system has 64 or more VF's, it is quite tedious to mention each
VF in the interface pool. The following modification find a
Free VF given a Physical Function when mode=passthrough. We
also save the state of each VF. Hence modifications to
networkAllocateActualDevice, networkNotifyActualDevice and
networkReleaseActualDevice were required. The following
patch does just that.
BTW, to make 'git send-email' happy when generating Subject: lines
and these patch summaries, make sure the commit message consists of
a short single line summary, then a blank line, then the longer
multiple line description
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