On Sunday 28 June 2009 11:35:55 Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> My second question concerns the location of the disk images:
what is the
> "best practical way" to move these out of the root partition? I have
> come up with these different approaches which could/may work:
> 1. change the "path" value in /etc/libvirt/storage/default.xml to point
> to a directory in a different partition.
> 2. Use a /etc/fstab entry to "bind mount" a directory in a separate
> partition onto /var/lib/libvirt/images
> 3. Just use an /etc/fstab entry to mount a partition on
> /var/lib/libvirt/images or, perhaps, on /var/lib/libvirt. [This could be
> done during system installation]
> OK, any comments on these??
There's no real 'right' answer here, but I'd recommend 1. really.
There might not be a right answer but 1 is definitely a wrong answer.
Changing /etc/libvirt/storage/default.xml to point to a directory in a
separate partition with lost of free space was easy. However, when I tried to
create a new guest using virt-manager and the creation "wizard", for the disk
image, it still showed the free space available in the root partition (8GB)
rather than that of the other partition (120GB),
So I resorted to 2 which appears to work OK.
My current thinking is to use option 3 ultimately. That way, I can get things
configured when I install a new system.
If you believe that option 1 should work then there appears to be a bug.
Please clarify. If there is a bug, I will bugzilla it.