Am Mon, 16 Nov 2020 19:48:28 -0700
schrieb Jim Fehlig <jfehlig(a)>:
> Adjust the code to parse this as <emulator>.
You also have to adjust all the failing {xl,xm}configtests.
It seems one has to run 'ninja test'.
Can this be done via _multibuild in a libvirt-testsuite pkg in an isolated VM?
Correct. It is selected based on the specified <emulator> and
not modeled in
domXML. Does it need to be exposed to the user? AFAIK those are the only two
values we care about, and it is possible to determine which to use based on the
I think 'device_model_version' can be ignored.
In current xen.git support for "qemu-xen-traditional" was declared for stubdom
It is unrealistic that some HVM domUs with qemu-dm are still running out there.
In case they really exist, they were likely not started with libvirt.