On 11/18/2013 09:38 AM, Tomoki Sekiyama wrote:
Currently FSFreeze and FSThaw are supported by qemu guest agent and
they are
used internally in snapshot-create command with --quiesce option.
However, when users want to utilize the native snapshot feature of storage
devices (such as LVM over iSCSI, various enterprise storage systems, etc.),
they need to issue fsfreeze command separately from libvirt-driven snapshots.
(OpenStack cinder provides these storages' snapshot feature, but it cannot
quiesce the guest filesystems automatically for now.)
Although virDomainQemuGuestAgent() API could be used for this purpose, it
depends too much on specific hypervisor implementation.
This patchset adds virDomainFSFreeze()/virDomainFSThaw() APIs and virsh
domfsfreeze/domfsthaw commands to enable the users to freeze and thaw
domain's filesystems cleanly.
The APIs has mountPoint and flags option currently unsupported for future
extension, as virDomainFSTrim() API.
Duplicated FSFreeze results in error caused by qemu guest agent.
Hmm, I just realized this hasn't seen any response in a couple of
months. I still haven't looked closely at the thread, but definitely
think we need to add this (or something like it). Please feel free to
ping the list every week or two if you don't seem to be getting a
response, rather than letting it languish for a quarter of a year!
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library