On 09/11/2013 09:25 PM, Chunyan Liu wrote:
[rebased to latest libvirt code for applying and reviewing the
These patches implements a separate module for hostdev passthrough so that it
could be shared by different drivers and can maintain a global state of a host
device. Plus, add passthrough to libxl driver, and change qemu driver and lxc
driver to use hostdev common library instead of their own hostdev APIs.
This did not come through threaded, which makes it a bit harder to track
your series (with each patch forming its own thread, a mail client that
sorts threads by most recent activity scatters the pieces hither-and-yon
as soon as any one patch has a reply). You may want to double-check
your git settings for the next patch you send :)
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library