I am doing some research on [subject] and I would like to find out some information
regarding various scenarios. I've studied the official documentation at [1] and some
of the mailing list archives. The configurations I have in mind are somewhat inspired by
what the sf LXC package offers in terms of networking.
What I've tested so far and works:
- Shared networking - all host interfaces are present in the container if no
<interface> tag has been specified in the domain configuration. I'm assuming
this is because the container is started in the same network namespace like the host. Is
it possible to make only a subset of these interfaces visible inside the container?
- Bridge to LAN - connecting a domain interface to a host bridge;
- Direct attachment through a Macvtap device - all 3 modes (vepa, bridge and private) work
as expected, "passthrough" requires some capabilities in the physical device
(SRIOV), which I don't have - assuming I have a device with this capability, is this
configuration supported by (implemented in) the libvirt_lxc driver?
What other scenarios I would be interested in:
- host network interface private to the container - much like what lxc.network.phys is
offering: "dedicated NIC from host passed through". I've read some
documentation about <hostdev> and how to assign PCI devices to virtual machine, but
I understand this is only possible with KVM - it's assigned from the kernel, it makes
more sense, etc. However, I've also read a thread on the mailing list regarding
<hostdev mode="capabilities">, which offers access from a container to a
device, but it's currenly only applicable to block and character devices. Is there
currently any way to make a host interface private to a container?
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Bogdan P.