On 20.03.2015 20:23, Noel Burton-Krahn wrote:
Hi Michal,
I think issuing a libvirt migrate to a host where the network disks
don't already exist would be a prequisite failure. Libvirt can never
copy a network disk, but it shouldn't fail trying to migrate an existing
domain that contains a network disk. If a libvirt user wishes to
migrate a domain that contains a network disk, it's their responsibility
to ensure the disk exists before calling migrate.
That's how it was back in the old days. Then libvirt introduced storage
migration, but requiring users to pre-create storage on destination
themselves. And just recently I taught libvirt to automatically
pre-create the storage. However, not for all disk types.
If a disk on destination is missing, it's likely broken guest ABI
libvirt should have not allowed migration in the first place. How come
the migration was allowed?