On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 09:17:03AM +0000, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
To me the key factor is what the end result looks like, how easy it is to
navigate & find stuff. From that POV doxygen is ruled out as the HTML it
generates is just awful - I despair every time i find a project which has
use doxygen for its API docs :-(
gtk-doc is pretty good in this respect, but the limitation is that they do
not try to support every possible C style - they expect you to write code
in a gobject like style. I can't tell offhand if libvirt is close enough
to work with gtk-doc or not - I do know that QEMU failed. It is something
you'd just have to try and see if it works, and also see if the result is
better than what we have of course.
kernel people have been experimenting with Sphinx for both
linux/Documentation file, and inline source file documentation,