Just discovered one tiny problem here - need to check 'event'
to see
if the POLLHUP or POLLERR flags are set, and unregister the callback.
Otherwise if you kill the server, the client will just spin on POLLHUP
or ERR forever. Something like this ought todo the trick
if (event & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)) {
I've been looking over the rest of your changes.
Generally, I agree all these suggestions are good ones...except for the code above
With this code in, I run the following test
1. start libvirtd
2. begin to monitor events with event-test
3. virsh create foo.xml
At this point, the event-test app encounters a HUP, or ERR, and stops monitoring for
events - it will only ever get the "Started" event
I handle this in the event-test poll loop via
if ( pfd.revents & POLLHUP ) {
DEBUG0("Reset by peer");
return -1;
Is it not a reasonable restriction to require the client app to handle a Hangup?