On 12/10/2012 06:36 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
On 12/10/2012 02:20 PM, Laine Stump wrote:
> I noticed when writing the backend functions for virNetworkUpdate that
> I was repeating the same sequence of memmove, VIR_REALLOC, nXXX-- (and
> messed up the args to memmove at least once), and had seen the same
> sequence in a lot of other places, so I decided to write a few
> utility functions/macros - see the .h file for full documentation.
> The intent is to reduce the number of lines of code, but more
> importantly to eliminate the need to check the element size and
> element count arithmetic every time we need to do this (I *always*
> make at least one mistake.)
> VIR_INSERT_ELEMENT: insert one element at an arbitrary index within an
> array of objects. The size of each object is determined
> automatically by the macro using sizeof(*array). If a pointer to a
> new element is provided, its contents are copied into the inserted
> space then the original contents are 0'ed out; if no newelem is
> provided the new space is set to all 0.
This is slightly out of date, now that we reworked things to always add
a new element. (Our IRC conversation was that the underlying function
should still support NULL instead of an array, but that we won't worry
about passing NULL via the macros until we have a need for a
VIR_INSERT_N_ELEMENTS macro later on).
I made all the changes that both you and Doug pointed out, and pushed
this patch. I'm also pushing 2/17, but saving the rest until "later"
(maybe after 1.0.1 is released?)
Thanks for the reviews!