On Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 09:03:09 -0000, Harikumar Rajkumar wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 22:27:19 +0530, Harikumar Rajkumar
> For the sake of not prolonging the review any more I'm dropping this
> patch for now. Please submit it once we're done with the qemu driver
> impl.
Could you kindly confirm if the patch review has been completed? If so, we would
appreciate a summary of the review comments
The review is not done and once it will be done I'll notify you. The
more I have to reply to these requests for updates the less
time and motivation I have to work on the actual review.
Here is the summary of my understanding of the changes:
* Cleanup of the get_throttle_group RPC and cleanup of dead code.
* Removal of QEMU_CAPS_OBJECT_JSON in the QEMU driver implementation.
* Test cases for when copy-on-read is enabled.
* Version number update.
Can we submit the new patch (v9), or will you provide a branch for us to address the
As I've said I will be doing the changes myself for the most improtant
parts because I don't want to spend any more time on this.
I've also found a few bugs that I'll fix.
For few patches or parts of patches that are not important and I don't
care about you'll have to re-send them and find someone to review them.
If this feature is so urgent for you or your employer you should
consider contributing to also aleviate the maintenance burden of the
code you are asking us to maintain. Without a long term commitment I
need to make sure that the code is in a state that it will not cause
problems for me or others who will be maintainig it.