I'm happy to announce the release of virt-manager 2.2.1!
virt-manager is a desktop application for managing KVM, Xen, and LXC
virtualization via libvirt.
The release can be downloaded from:
This release includes:
- CVE-2019-10183: Replace --unattended user-password and admin-password
with user-password-file and admin-password-file (Fabiano FidĂȘncio)
- Consistent --memballoon default across non-x86 (Andrea Bolognani)
- virt-install: add --numatune memnode.* (Athina Plaskasoviti)
- Drop hard dep on gtksourceview4, gtksourceview3 is fine as well
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release through testing,
bug reporting, submitting patches, and otherwise sending in feedback!