I noticed today that ebiptablesWriteToTempFile() creates a temporary
file in /tmp that is later executed. It uses mkstemp() and therefore is
safe from symlinks attacks, however, there is not really any reason that
I can see why it is using /tmp instead of somewhere
like /var/lib/libvirt. If libvirtd is confined under a MAC which allows
execution of /tmp/virtd* and a vulnerability is found in libvirtd,
the /tmp path leaves an opportunity for a local non-root attacker to
write a script in /tmp and then subvert libvirt to execute that script.
Putting it in /var/lib/libvirt (or somewhere without world-write
permissions) would prevent this.
I do not consider this a security vulnerability, but rather defensive
programming. Attached is a patch that uses LOCAL_STATE_DIR
"/lib/libvirt/virtdXXXXXX". Feel free to move it somewhere else if
desired. Patch is against head.
Jamie Strandboge |