On 02/11/2015 10:08 AM, Edward Young wrote:
Hi all,
[probably didn't need to cross-post to quite that wide of an audience,
oh well]
I'm investigating the ways to improve the live migration performance in
libvirt. I have a question about the vm live storage migration. the
platform is libvirt + qemu + kvm
If we want to migrate a running vm with its virtual disk images to another
we can use 'virsh migrate ....' commands.
What if this vm has a number of disk-only external snapshots? In the
current version, how can live migrate this vm?
Are the snapshots based on shared storage, or local-only storage?
If I understand your question correctly, you are starting with this
base <- mid <- active
and want to make sure that on the destination, the guest still sees the
same contents as 'active' on the source, whether or not the destination
still sees a backing chain or just one file.
Is it possible to blockcommit the snapshots to the base image and later
perform the migration, without shutting down the running vm?
Yes, but that may not be the fastest solution. That is, you would be
going from:
base <- mid <- active
where base' is the active image containing all the committed state, then
migrate that file. If base is not shared, that means qemu has to
migrate the entire disk state. And you also no longer have the external
snapshots to revert to on the destination.
Or is it possible to iteratively transfer all the snapshots to the
destination and later live migrate only the latest new data?
Yes, that works too, and is probably faster, especially if you have
out-of-band means for sharing read-only state between source and
In fact, if you can create yet another (temporary) external snapshot,
but this time on shared storage, and have storage backends that let you
instantly remap backing files to be visible into the destination, then
it is as simple as:
create a snapshot with shared storage destination
base <- mid <- active(frozen) <- shared
copy base, mid, and active to the destination
live migrate using shared storage instead of doing storage migration
block-commit shared back into active
base <- mid <- active
where the shared storage only needs to hold as much disk state as
diverges during the time of the live migration.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library