On 09/19/2013 11:11 AM, varun bhatnagar wrote:
I have started a virtual machine on my ESXi server. I was trying to attach
a console to it but when I executed the command I got a message saying that
*"Attaching a console is not supported in the current hypervisor." *Is
there any way (patch or something) through which I can attach a console to
my VM.
The ESX version is 5.1 and I am using latest version of libvirt.
I don't know if ESX is capable of supporting a console connection; if it
is, it is a matter of finding someone willing to write the patch that
interfaces the ESX interface with libvirt. Are you willing to take on
that task?
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library