On Tue, 2019-10-08 at 09:58 +0200, Fabiano FidĂȘncio wrote:
+++ b/guests/lcitool
pkg_align = " \\\n" + (" " * len("RUN " +
package_manager + " "))
+ pip_pkg_align = " \\\n" + (" " * len("RUN pip3 install
s/pip3 install /pip3 /
+ if pip_pkgs:
+ sys.stdout.write(textwrap.dedent("""
+ RUN pip3 install {pip_pkgs}
+ """).format(**varmap))
For cross Dockerfiles, this results in ENV directives being generated
in between RUN directives, which is kinda messy. Please shuffle stuff
around so that you avoid that.
+++ b/guests/playbooks/update/tasks/packages.yml
+- name: '{{ project }}: Verify pip mappings'
+ fail:
+ msg: 'No mappings defined for {{ item }}'
+ with_items:
+ '{{ packages }}'
+ when:
+ - pip_mappings[item] is undefined and mappings[item] is undefined
This can be just
- pip_mappings[item] is undefined
since we checked the other part earlier.
+- set_fact:
+ pip_executable: pip3
You use this only once... No need to define a fact for it.
+- name: '{{ project }}: Install packages from pip'
+ pip:
+ name: '{{ pip_temp[item] }}'
+ executable: '{{ pip_executable }}'
+ state: '{{ state }}'
+ with_items:
+ '{{ packages }}'
+ when:
+ - temp[item] is defined
+ - temp[item] == None
+ - pip_temp[item] is defined
+ - pip_temp[item] != None
I would flatten and sort the list before acting on it, same as we do
for native packages.
+++ b/guests/vars/mappings.yml
+ meson:
+ default: meson==0.49.0
Please add a comment explaining how these mappings differ from the
native ones.
Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization