On 13.12.2013 19:21, Joaquim Barrera wrote:
Hello everybody!
I would like to introduce myself, as this is my first contact with
libvirt mailing list (although I've been reading quite a lot of
My name is Joaquim Barrera, from Barcelona, Catalonia. I am a computer
engineer and recently I joined a research group here in the university.
My task is related to VM migration and management, and since then (a
couple of months) I've been trying to figure some things up.
Now I need to go one step forward, and I would like to set up a nice dev
environment to try some modifications we want to make to libvirt, such
as new API or migration-related-stuff.
Although I am familiar with linux environrment and programming, I am not
really quite familiar with this kind of, may I say, professional
development, and there are some issues I need to solve before start
writting code. Some of this issues you'll find not relevant or newbie
stuff, but I assure you I tried lots of times before coming here. :-)
Here is what I got following the instructions in
$ ./autogen.sh --system
$ make
After make finishes I have compiled 1.2.0 libvirt in the source tree,
and if I execute 'sudo ./run tools/virsh version' I get a this answer:
/Compiled against library: libvirt 1.2.0//
//Using library: libvirt 1.2.0//
//Using API: QEMU 1.2.0//
//Running hypervisor: QEMU 1.5.0/
(note that now I need to run virsh with sudo, I don't know exactly why)
So far, so good. I guess that, with --system flag, 1.2.0 custom libvirt
uses config files from standard directories such as
/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf, and if I used a custom directory instead, I
would have to redefine my VMs, am I right?
Yes. The '--system' just passes --prefix --sysconfdir and others. So if
you don't use the '--system' argument you'll end up with a different
config dir where the libvirtd is searching for domain configs.
Problems come when I want to use custom 1.2.0 daemon. If I execute "sudo
service libvirt-bin stop" followed by "./daemon/libvirtd -d", then
custom virsh gives me this error:
/error: failed to connect to the hypervisor//
//error: no valid connection//
//error: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No
such file or directory/
I believe the daemon you've built died for some reason. You can try
running it without the '-d' and it should print some error in the
console if my assumption is right. Or look into /var/log/messages what
has been logged there (or whatever log dst you've set).
In general, we strive and thrive in keeping virsh able to communicate
with whatever libvirtd out there.